Allied Academies

Protein Interactions in Systems Biology

Protein Interactions in Systems Biology

Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) handle a wide range of biological processes, including cell-to-cell interactions and metabolic and developmental control. Protein protein interaction is becoming one of the major objectives of system biology. Noncovalent contacts between the residue side chains are the basis for protein folding, protein assembly, and PPI. These contacts induce a variety of interactions and associations among the proteins. The Cell Signalling Systems and networks will be studied through systems' biology thanks to the Inherent complexity of signalling networks, quantity and form of Quantitative information. The big selection of stimulus-response behaviour is noticed in cells that are central to all or any of Biology through cell signalling. Cell signalling systems principally receive input from the surroundings and then generates an output response supported the received input. . Supported the Physio-Chemical Principles, Physical Interaction networks will outline the Interacting super molecule Pairs. This kind of matrix assists links between structural biology and system biology.    

  • Metabolic Networks
  • Somatic cell Network
  • Protein DNA interactions
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